Gifts and Consequences

Gifts and Consequences

Winner of the Silver Quill from the League of Utah Writers.

Gifts and Consequences

“I’d do anything if…” That’s exactly what Jonathan Wheeler wants to hear, but there’s always a cost. Tickets to the concert of the century? A college education for a child? Saving the life of a loved one? Jonathan Wheeler wants to make it happen, but if the price isn’t paid he’s prepared to deliver the consequences.

Jonathan decides to honor the wish of his dying wife – that he give away his fortune – but his methods are dangerously unconventional. He takes extreme measures to witness human struggle and watch the discovery of hidden strength. But when Jonathan goes too far, he faces consequences of his own.

Pro Tip: If you’re into audiobooks, buy the ebook on Amazon for under $4 and they’ll give you the option to add the audio for $1.99! Two formats for half the price of a Chia Pet.